About iStudy-Germany

The authors of this page are current students residing in Germany. We try to give you practical, realtime information about studying here and what the student life's like. Keep checking for more information.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Step 1: Know the facts

Knowledge is power. It is very important to gather as much knowledge as you can about the country you are going to spend the next couple of years in. Especially if you are from Asia you have to keep in mind about the vast cultural differences between the two continents. The European lifestyle is significantly different from Asia and even USA. And when you consider the fact that German culture literally helped to shape the modern European culture, things get even more important. At this stage we didn’t want to copy the lines from Wikipedia and CIA country factbooks (and make them uncomfortable) but chose to leave the task onto you. We are writing a detailed review on this issue from a student’s perspective at iStudy-Germany which you can check when it’s made available.

Arts, Culture & People

The German population is of mixed ethnicity with about 10% foreigner, majority of which are from Turkey. The official and only spoken language is German (with different dialects at different parts of the country) and so are all the documents that you are going to come across. The Serbs, Gypsies and Romanians form the (very) small minority of non-German speaking population. However the chances are slim that you actually interact with them... (read more)

German Economy

German economy is the largest national economy in Europe and fourth largest in the world. Country-wise it is the second largest exporter after China. It was the first and fastest country to recover from the western economic crisis – thanks to its dedication in innovation and technologies. Now it is witnessing a major boost in Economy which is expected to shoot above all other previous records. Consequently the job sector is experiencing a massive growth with a predicted shortage of over two million skilled labours in the upcoming years. It is of significant importance since the service sector contributes over 70% of the national GDP... (read more)

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